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More Cygnet Neuropsychiatric Rehabilitation services join the Independent Neurorehabilitation Providers Alliance (INPA)


Following inspections in October, Cygnet Newham House and Cygnet Pindar House have met the criteria to be members of the Independent Neurorehabilitation Providers Alliance (INPA).

This means that all of Cygnet’s Neuropsychiatric Rehabilitation services are members of INPA.

INPA is an alliance of providers, who joined together to form a strong voice in the sector, ensuring that neurorehabilitation is delivered in quality environments, by trained and experienced staff in a caring way to assist the rehabilitation process.

Rachael Chamberlain, Business Development Director – Neurological, explained: “We are absolutely delighted with this news. Inclusion within INPA evidences the dedication and hard work provided by the teams to provide high quality Neurorehabilitation pathways for our patients.

“The fact that more services now have this accreditation is testament to the first class service being delivered across our services and the highly skilled staff who strive each day to make a positive difference for our service users.”

Cygnet Newham House

Cygnet Newham House, which opened in Middlesbrough 2020, is our 20-bed neuropsychiatric care and treatment facility providing rehabilitation for women affected by acquired brain injuries (ABI).

An INPA Inspector said: “Newham House is already a well-established service with a strong interdisciplinary team, recognised as a valuable provider of neurobehavioural rehabilitation for women.

“The service is able to tailor programmes to meet individuals’ needs and enable them to maximise their independence by offering a range of facilities and activities, including access to the local community.

“Staff are well supported in terms of training and senior management support and are actively involved in the running and development of the unit. The management team is enthusiastic and passionate about what they do and showed that they are continuously working towards improving the service provided.”

Cygnet Pindar House

Cygnet Pindar House, in Barnsley, is a 22 bed Neuropsychiatric rehabilitation facility for men affected by acquired brain injuries.

An INPA Inspector said: “Pindar House provides a structured neuropsychiatric rehabilitation pathway within an appropriately resourced environment in terms of staff and equipment.

“There are clear processes and procedures from referral to discharge ensuring goals are set and reviewed enabling patients to progress through the continuum and maximise their potential.

“Staff are supported with an established induction programme, regular supervision and ongoing training opportunities.”

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