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New care programme for pregnant service users

Following a number of successful patient episodes for pregnant service users, Cygnet Hospital Beckton has developed a care programme for expectant mothers on their female Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit and low secure wards.

Belly of pregnant woman

“Following a number of admissions for pregnant service users, we felt it was appropriate to formally train staff in caring for this client group. We have implemented a number of measures to ensure that staff are able to support expectant mothers by working with local safeguarding teams and perinatal services to ensure that the service they receive is effective, person centered and tailored to their needs.”Emmanuel Onukwube, Clinical Manager

The programme aims to:

  • provide comprehensive psychological assessment, treatment and support for women with previous or current mental health problems who are pregnant.
  • work with local perinatal services to ensure appropriate medical support and supervision is provided and tailored to the individual needs of the service users
  • work with safeguarding teams and other professionals to promote and ensure the safety of the infant
  • provide care and support to mothers who may be experiencing post- natal depression or post-partum psychosis or an exacerbation of an existing mental health problem such as schizophrenia or depression

It is hoped that this new service will help ensure that pregnant women requiring mental health services will be provided with a safe and appropriate inpatient setting, and that their physical healthcare needs will be met by close partnership working with local teams.

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