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New ‘Social Hub’ installed at Cygnet Pindar House

The Cygnet Pindar House social hub

Cygnet Pindar House has transformed and redesigned an unused space into a social hub giving its service users a new space to enjoy and relax in together.

The designated ‘social hub’ at Cygnet Pindar House, on Upper Sheffield Road, Barnsley, will provide a relaxing and enjoyable space for patients to unwind in together. The room includes a gaming station, music area and sensory features, with the aim of enhancing patient wellbeing.

Cygnet Pindar House is a 22 bed Neuropsychiatric care and treatment service for men affected by acquired brain injuries (ABIs).

Hospital Manager Sam Sherwood said: “We wanted to have a room which created an inviting atmosphere where our service users can unwind, away from a clinical environment, and be in a safe and calm setting.

“I am really delighted with this new addition to the service. At Cygnet Pindar House we understand that although clinical care is a massive part in the recovery of those with ABIs, what is also important if offering opportunities for the men in our care to relax, socialise and engage in activities which promote their mental health.

“This space will help them to de-stress, have fun, and take their minds off the day-to-day challenges of their recovery.”

The room was designed by Therapy Co-ordinator Tanya Dodd and installed by the on-site maintenance team.

Tanya explained: “I love designing things and have always been into exploring new ideas to make the unit better for our patients. Staff wanted to create a room for the patients to enjoy.

“We had regular community meetings with our patients to see if they liked the idea of a new games room that they could enjoy whilst they’re with us. The patients were really enthusiastic and helped choose items that could be used in the room.

“After a few discussions, we knew the room needed a games station, music instruments, sensory lights and plenty of space to just relax.

“Now the room is complete, our patients have a space they can use to develop new skills, relax and engage in social environments.”

Feedback from service users has been really positive with comments including;

“It’s great to have a room like this, I’ve never played a PlayStation before and now I can sit with my peers and enjoy time together.”

“Sometimes I get a little restless, but now I know I can come in here and just relax, talk to my peers, play games and it makes me happy.”

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