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Older Adult Mental Health Awareness week at Swift Ward

Approximately 20% of those aged 60 and over now experience mental health conditions. Earlier this month was Older Adults Mental Health Awareness Week, which aims to reduce the discrimination faced by older adults, as well as raising awareness.

On Swift Ward, our Older Adults Acute service at Cygnet Hospital Taunton, staff and service users took the opportunity to celebrate the lives of the Older Adults on the ward.

They arranged retro sweets and activities as well as asking service users to share to share the best piece of advice that they have ever been given. This opened up some wonderful discussions and some fond memories for everyone.

Here’s some of the advice shared by the service users…

“Some days, you just have to make your own sunshine”

“All we have is this moment. The past is gone and the future is not yet here”

“Be yourself”

“Grow through what you go through”

“Good or bad. Everything passes”


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