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Cygnet service users shortlisted for 2017 National Service User Awards

We are proud to announce that no fewer than eight service user led projects from Cygnet hospitals have been shortlisted as finalists in the National Service User Awards 2017. Cygnet Hospital Derby has four projects in the final and Cygnet Hospitals Bierley, Bury, Kewstoke and Stevenage also each have a nomination in the final.

Pet Therapy Day at Cygnet Hospital Derby

On Wednesday 21st December Critterish Allsorts attended Cygnet Derby for the day to provide a pet therapy session for Alvaston Ward, Litchurch Ward and Wyvern Ward. The animals included a snake, skunk, dog, giant millipede, lizard, tortoise and a chinchilla.

Royal Visitor for Cygnet Hospital Beckton

Cygnet Hospital Beckton is to welcome a Royal visitor to highlight the important role occupational therapy plays in supporting health, well-being and life-satisfaction for people who use the service.

Cygnet launch 11 Recovery Colleges

Cygnet Health Care are preparing for two regional launch events to celebrate the implementation of their network of Recovery Colleges. Recovery Colleges offer educational courses about mental health and recovery which are designed to increase knowledge and skills and promote self-management.

Cygnet’s annual Chef Development Day

On the 10th November, 18 Cygnet Chefs converged on Harborne Catering School in Birmingham as part of their annual Chef Development Day, an event that also saw the official launch of Cygnet's new Food and Drink Strategy.

Occupational Therapy Week 2016

To celebrate Occupational Therapy Week OT's across Cygnet promoted the profession to support the theme of the week Occupational Therapy as a Career.

Cygnet Hospital Bierley

Cygnet Hospital Bierley launches new Substance Misuse Treatment Programme

Cygnet Hospital Bierley is proud to launch its new Substance Misuse Treatment Programme - The ‘Find YOUR Way’ programme. The standardised programme is an intensive psychological treatment, designed to meet the needs of people with substance misuse histories and co-occurring mental health and offending difficulties.

Cygnet Health Care Promotes OT Week

From 7-13 November 2016 it is Occupational Therapy Week. The theme for 2016 is to promote occupational therapy as a career. Occupational therapy is a science degree-based, health and social care profession, regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council.

Aiming for ‘Fresh Air’ at Cygnet Hospital Ealing

On 1st April 2017 Cygnet Hospital Ealing will be going completely smoke free. In preparation for this the hospital's occupational therapy (OT) team hosted a series of smoking cessation events throughout 'Stoptober' to raise awareness of the benefits of giving up smoking and to look at different strategies to quit.

Cygnet Hospital Blackheath host Peer Support Day

On 28th October 2016 Cygnet Hospital Blackheath hosted a Peer Support and Recovery Day on Meridian Ward. The event was organised to provide the inpatient service users with hope for the future, that they will leave hospital and that it is possible to lead a fulfilling life in the community.