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Pet Therapy Day at Cygnet Hospital Derby


On Wednesday 21st December Critterish Allsorts attended Cygnet Hospital Derby for the day to provide a pet therapy session for Alvaston Ward, Litchurch Ward and Wyvern Ward.

The animals included a snake, skunk, dog, giant millipede, lizard, tortoise and a chinchilla. All the service users who attended really enjoyed the session and spent the time learning about the animals while holding and interacting with them. The main theme of the day included nearly everyone overcoming their fears and holding the huge boa constrictor!

“The skunk was really nice, I found it very therapeutic, it would be good to see them again.”Service user, Wyvern Ward


Following the session the service users (and staff) accomplished a sense of fulfilment through working through their reservations and holding a range of exotic animals.

“It was very therapeutic as it was tactile, hands on animal therapy. I really enjoyed it.”Service user, Litchurch Ward


“I really enjoyed it. It was nice to be able to interact with animals like the skunk and snake instead of seeing them in cages at the zoo. I liked the range of animals as it was more varied then just being able to hold house pets.”Service user, Alvaston Ward

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