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Ranaich House receives Excellent rating from Care Inspectorate

The Ranaich House team celebrating their Care Inspectorate report

The team at Ranaich House have been praised for their “compassion, dignity and respect” following their latest inspection from the Care Inspectorate.

Located in Dunblane, Ranaich House is a specialist residential service offering care and support for up to 14 adults with learning disabilities and complex needs.

The unannounced inspection took place on 12 and 13 November 2024 and focused on two of the five Quality Inspection Framework evaluations – ‘How well do we support people’s wellbeing?’ and ‘How good is our staff team?’

Following the inspection they were rated as ‘6 – Excellent’ in both areas.

Praising the “excellent support” seen at the Cygnet Social Care service, inspectors said: “The values of compassion, dignity and respect were central to service delivery.

“Leaders and staff appreciated people for who they were, rather than simply looking at their disability or their life history. This inclusive approach had contributed to people’s health and wellbeing outcomes improving significantly since moving into the home.”

As part of the inspection, inspectors met with residents at the home who shared feedback about how much their health had improved due to the support they had received.

Comments included:

  • “Staff always listen to me, and I know they would do anything for me.”
  • “Staff understand if I feel upset. They listen to me and help me to calm down.”
  • “Staff are always so kind and polite. They listen to me and understand me.”
  • “I love living at Ranaich. I am so much happier and never want to leave.”
  • “I am so proud of how well I am doing.”

Inspectors also spoke to family members regarding the care and support their loved ones experienced, with feedback including:

  • “They are absolutely wonderful – perfect. They really ‘get’ my [family member].”
  • “The staff team are very dedicated professionals who are caring and respectful people. We think very highly of them and so does our [family member].”
  • “The staff think out of the box to make sure our [family member] has the best physical and mental health.”
  • “Our [family member] has a life outside of the house since moving in. We are happy because they are happy.”

The report highlighted that before residents lived at Ranaich House, their opportunities for work or education had been limited. Now, thanks to support, they are able to be involved in voluntary work and studies and were supported to develop independent living skills, including managing a budget, cooking and maintaining a household.

Inspectors noted: “People told us they truly felt listened to and respected by the staff team around them. This had significantly impacted on people’s confidence and self-worth.

“For the first time in some people’s lives, their home placement was safe, and they were thriving both at home and in the wider community. This had a profound impact on their health and wellbeing.”

Praising the quality of staffing at the home, inspectors said “people received the right support at the right time” and highlighted the flexibility of staff which always ensured “people were able to lead full and active lives”.

Inspectors noted that residents were able to play an active part in the recruitment process of new staff and that management always ensured there was an appropriate skills mix of staff working in the service at any given time.

The report read: “People’s needs and wishes were met by the right numbers of staff with the right skills. People were enabled to be full members of their community.

“One person had gone through a recent period of ill-health and had to spend to a prolonged period in bed. Staffing levels were increased to ensure they did not experience social isolation. Staff were able to spend lots of time in the person’s room, eating meals together and providing ongoing support and reassurance.”

Jorden Gallagher, Service Manager, said she was very proud of the inspection outcome.

She said: “We are incredibly proud to achieve a quality grade of Excellent from the Care Inspectorate and to be recognised for the caring and successful team we are, where we are known for putting people first.

“The two most important things to me are our residents and our staff. I want both to feel really well supported. Our inspection feedback reinforces that what we do day in and day out at Ranaich consistently as a team is working. We don’t just care for people, we care about them. Everyone is treated with respect.

“In 2025 we plan to continue our journey of success together as a team and look forward to what the future holds for us all at Ranaich.

“I want to say a massive thank you to our team for their ongoing passion and commitment to our service users and each other.”

Read the full inspection report here.

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