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Cygnet Hospital Bierley psychologist and former service user co-present at Society for DBT conference

A DBT Therapist and a former service user from Cygnet Hospital Bierley’s recently co-presented their experience of therapy at the Society for Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Conference.

Dr Rebecca Szlachcic, Clinical Psychologist and DBT Therapist and Emily Hatton spoke about their experience of completing DBT and trauma focused therapy together at this year’s conference in Cork on 20th November 2018.

Despite research investigating the experience of therapists and service users separately, Rebecca and Emily wanted to acknowledge how their experiences were interconnected and share this with others. In their presentation, Rebecca and Emily openly reflected on the challenges and rewards of their therapy, as well as giving suggestions and advice for future therapists and service users.

Emily also updated the delegates on her progress since discharge from Bowling Ward, a specialist service for women with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder, over a year ago. She described how since discharge from hospital she had been living independently with her cat Arthur, who was a winner of National Cat Awards. She described regularly attending college, practicing gymnastics and shared a number goals and hopes for her future.

The feedback from delegates was overwhelmingly positive, with Emily receiving comments about her experience being “fantastic” and “inspiring” for both therapists and service users, as well as receiving praise for her bravery in completing therapy and also sharing this at the conference. Well done to both Rebecca and Emily.

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