Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


Bed / Placement Search

Find out our up-to-date bed availability, including our network of mental health, learning disability, autism and neuropsychiatric services across the UK.

Health Care Services

For more information on our wide range of health care services for young people and adults with mental health needs, acquired brain injuries, eating disorders, autism and learning disabilities please visit our health care services page.

Social Care Services

For more information on wide range of social care services for adults with autism, learning disabilities and those requiring elderly care please visit our social care services page.


Cygnet provides a national network of mental health, autism, learning disabilities and neuropsychiatric services within the UK. To find out more about each of our locations and the services they offer visit our locations page.

Research and Development at Cygnet

Cygnet’s Research and Development Team are a team of representatives from different disciplines and areas of expertise across the company who meet once a month to review proposals, and provide feedback on the ethical and practical aspects of studies.

Provider Collaboratives

Provider Collaboratives are a group of providers of specialised mental health, learning disability and autism services who have agreed to work together to improve the care pathway for their local population.


myPath is an overarching care model which serves to monitor service user engagement levels, manage service user records, assess progress and formulate a personalised and dynamic care plan with measurable targets.

Quality Accounts

Cygnet’s Main Board is responsible for the quality of care delivered across all services that Cygnet provides. Each year the Board publishes an annual Quality Account that measures Cygnet’s progress in a number of areas including Quality Governance.