Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Concerns and Complaints

Our priority is putting individuals at the heart of all we do in the delivery of safe, high quality care.

People who use our services, experts by experience, families, carers and staff told us what they would want our approach to complaints to look like. They said:

  • I want to see a positive culture around complaints handling.
  • I want to feel listened to when I have given my feedback.
  • I want staff to be honest with me.
  • I want staff to capture my views.
  • I want staff to learn from my experience.

We want to achieve this for everyone who comes into contact with our services. If you have something you want to raise with us please contact us, we want to hear from you.

Submit a concern or complaint

Concerns and complaints, feedback and compliments, can also be sent to us online by using the Contact Us page.

You can download a copy of our complaints procedure here:

You can also download the following information in Easy Read format:

Useful Contacts

Regulators and Governing Bodies

Ombudsmen for England, Scotland and Wales

  • England (NHS funded services) The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) Millbank Tower , Millbank London, SW1P 4QP Tel: 0345 015 4033
  • England (Local Government social care funded services) Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH Tel: 03000 610 614
  • Wales Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) 1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed, CF35 5LJ Tel: 0300 790 0203
  • Scotland Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) Tel: 0800 377 7330
  • Independent Schools Department For Education (DfE) Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD Tel: 0370 000 2288