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Cygnet Lodge Kenton

Cygnet Lodge Kenton achieves AIMS reaccreditation

Congratulations to the team at Cygnet Lodge Kenton who have successfully achieved their AIMS (Accreditation of Inpatient Mental Health Services) rehabilitation reaccreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Dr Tony Romero and Cygnet Hospital Bury, Victor Takadiwa outside White House

Cygnet Hospital Bury opens new acute service for men

Cygnet Hospital Bury have today opened White House, their new purpose built 18-bed acute mental health service for men. The service will provide a safe and stabilising environment for men who are experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require an emergency admission.

Cygnet Hospital Sheffield’s Art Exhibition

Cygnet Hospital Sheffield recently held their first formal Art Exhibition. The exhibition gave an opportunity for service users across all four wards (CAMHS and female low secure) to display their artistic talents.

Acer Upper celebrates 1st birthday

Service users and staff at Cygnet Acer Clinic today celebrated the 1st anniversary of the opening of Acer Upper, the hospital’s specialist acute service for women, with a garden party featuring music, party games and a magician.

The team at Cygnet Manor

Cygnet Manor rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission

Well done to the team at Cygnet Manor who have retained the hospital’s ‘Good’ rating following the latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Cygnet Manor is a high dependency complex care service in Shirebrook, Nottinghamshire, for men with learning disabilities, associated complex needs and who may have behaviours that challenge.

Service User at Cygnet Elms Wins Mental Health Award

Flo, a service user at Cygnet Elms, has won an award in the ‘Young Person’ category of the West Midlands Mental Health Star Awards. There were hundreds of nominations overall with 5 shortlisted nominees in the Young Person category.

Cygnet Sherwood House Art Exhibition

The Occupational Therapy team at Cygnet Sherwood House curated an art competition and exhibition day as a part of Mental Health Awareness Week earlier this month.