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The Bearsted Ward team with their QNPICU accreditation

Bearsted Ward gains QNPICU accreditation

Congratulations to the team at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone’s Bearsted Ward who have successfully achieved their Quality Network for Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (QNPICU) accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Martin Graham, Hospital Manager (left) meeting Tom Gordon MP (right)

Tom Gordon MP visits Cygnet Hospital Harrogate

Staff and service users at Cygnet Hospital Harrogate welcomed a visit from the local MP, Tom Gordon last week, who praised the dedication of staff and spoke of the quality care being delivered.

New Sensory Room unveiled at Cygnet Sherwood Lodge

Cygnet Sherwood Lodge which supports adults with learning disabilities has transformed and redesigned an unused space into a sensory room giving its service users a space to enjoy and relax in together.